3 Ways to Hone Your Personal Design Style


Has this ever happened to you? You’re ready to redecorate a room or corner of your house, but you actually have no idea where to begin because you’re not even sure what style you like. 

Defining your personal style really comes down to what inspires you, but when there’s so much inspiration out there (thanks to social media), it can be overwhelming when trying to narrow down what it is that really says, you! 

Here are some of our favourite ways to get you in the mindset of defining your personal design style. 


Be Okay with Being You

First off, it’s time we stop the comparison game. Instead of looking at someone’s Instagram post and wishing their home was yours, why not see what it is you like about that photo? Chances are you’ll notice some similarities between their home and yours, theirs just might be a tad tidier (it is Instagram after all). 

When you’re out shopping for things for your home, don’t think about if your friends like this or if something is trendy. Just focus on if you like it. Resounding yes? Great, throw it in your cart. We’re talking YOUR personal style, no one else’s. After all, you will be the one spending the most time in your space, so it’s important that it feels like you, and not like some influencer you’ve never met. 


Look Outside Home Decor

You’re trying to decide on which rug to buy but are kind of overwhelmed with the options. Is the blue one more you or the neutral? It’s time to think beyond home decor. 

Take a peek at your closet. Will you find mostly neutrals or are there going to be splashes of colour? What about patterns? Do you like to mix them or let one speak for itself when putting together an outfit? 

Now think about the shows and movies you seek out. Do you stick to the 90’s comedies, watch everything sci-fi, or binge only old English movies? 

Now get inspired by the landscape around you. What do you love about the Cowichan Valley? Is it the water, the trees? Maybe you have a collection of local finds that are unique to the island? 

The point is, seeing what you’re attracted to beyond home decor will actually help you when it comes to designing your space, as it will show you what you’re drawn to. You’ll find themes in the local restaurants you visit weekly and your favourite pair of shoes if you just take a moment to admire them.


Take It One Step at a Time

There’s no time limit on defining your personal style, so take it one step at a time. Instead of completely overhauling your space and just hoping you like it in the end, bring in one lamp that you fell in love with and live with it for a bit. 

Do you still feel the same about it a week, month, three months later? If yes, then continue to play on the trend of the lamp, and now bring in a piece of art or a new throw pillow. If no, then don’t sweat it, it’s only one lamp.

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You Know You Best

Just like your favourite recipes, your personal design style will ebb and flow as time goes on. That’s kind of the beauty of it though, is that you’re always working to make your home and space feel more you. 
Most importantly have fun along the way! If you’re ready to tackle that project you’ve been dreaming about, contact us at design@heronwoodcabinetry.ca to set up a free consultation.


Find Your Design Style: Take the Quiz!

Are you a Modern Farmhouse, a Traditional, or Coastal? Get to know your interior design style, and make tackling those design projects a little easier, with our quiz.